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EACH - Educational Action Challenging Homophobia

Photograph taken by Brian Peters

EACH - Educational Action Challenging Homophobia

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Recently honoured to be voted “Charity of the Year ” we provide a Freephone Helpline for young people up to 18 years and training, resources and consultancy to affirm lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or questioning (LGBT+) people of all ages. Our services strive to reduce Discrimination, harassment or Bullying experienced by way of gender identity or sexual orientation. We aspire to affirm confidence in all service-users: inspiring trust and empowering individuals or organisations to make choices  informed by legislation and mutually agreed decisions.

Since 2003, EACH has worked across a range of sectors: Education, Criminal Justice System, Health, Housing, Social and Library Services, National and Local Government plus wraparound voluntary, statutory and private sector organisations.

Our services include:

?Delivering CPD Accredited Speaker led training and consultancy to help national and regional agencies better understand legislation regarding gender identity or sexual orientation matters to effect change at strategic and practical levels

?Assisting employers to develop best practice in supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans employees and voluntary workers

?Inspiring schools, academies, colleges and universities to implement policy and procedural change concerning sexual orientation and gender identity issues through Department for Education and PSHE Association endorsed resources, training and consultancy: working with pupils, students, staff and governors

?A Freephone Helpline service for young people to secure support following homophobic, biphobic or transphobic Bullying

?Integrating thirty-four years’ professional experience to inform books and Government commissioned national guidance and training including ‘Safe to Learn’ (DCSF), ‘Inspiring Equality in Education’ and ‘Learn Equality Live Equal’ (DfE), the ‘Reach Teaching Resource’ (National Lottery), the JKP book, “That’s So Gay! Challenging Homophobic Bullying” and currently the  complete revision of Wales’s Anti-Bullying Schools’ Guidance ‘Respecting Others’ for its Government

Contact Details


Jonathan Charlesworth

Job Title/Position

Executive Director

Telephone Number

0808 1000 143

Email Address



Referral Notes

Open/self-referral, parents/carers, teachers, anyone

Service Information



Target Audiences:

Adults, Secondary school/teenage (11-18), Primary school age (5-11)

Last updated 13th November 2020

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