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Energy Drinks
Energy Drinks
0 Reviews
This information is provided by Oral Health Improvement Bury | The Bury Directory
Energy drinks are soft drinks that contain higher levels of caffeine than other soft drinks, and may also contain a lot of sugar. A diet too high in sugar risks weight gain, which is linked to tooth decay, heart disease, some cancers and type 2 diabetes. High levels of caffeine can lead to anxiety, panic attacks and increased blood pressure.
Evidence suggests that excessive consumption of energy drinks by children is linked to negative health outcomes such as headaches, sleeping problems, irritation and tiredness. Young people are the biggest consumers of energy drinks in Europe for their age.
The government is consulting on ending the sale of energy drinks to children, there are strong indicators that they will be banned to under 16’s officially, some retailers are already not selling them to this age cohort.
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Contact Details
- Alison Tabois
Job Title/Position
- Oral Health Improvement Practitioner
Mobile Number
- 07826 858005
Email Address
Service Information
Bury & Local Area
Last updated 28th March 2023