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Etz Chaim School at the Belmont

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Etz Chaim School at the Belmont

0 Reviews

About Us:-

Etz Chaim School was established in 1993 in North Manchester as a strictly orthodox Jewish secondary day school for boys aged 11 to 16, serving a particular strand of the local Jewish religious community.

The school’s aim is ‘to provide religious, personal and academic education, in order to prepare students for a full religious life in accordance with the religious outlook of their community, whilst forming upright citizens who will be able to give to the community at large’. To achieve these aims ‘emphasis is mainly on cultivating enthusiasm and love for Jewish studies, practice and ethos, which prepare students adequately for their next institution, whilst concurrently providing a basic secular education to GCSE level, an understanding of the natural world and the world around them, and some skills which will be of economic use to them in their future’.

Contact Details


Rabbi Cohen

Job Title/Position

Head Teacher

Telephone Number

0161 740 0300


Local Offer


We are an inclusive provider and support children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), please contact us for further information

Age Bands

11-15 years

Core Response Approved?



General Notes

Service Information


North West

Last updated 27th January 2021

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