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Greater Manchester Smiles Better Mouth Care Toolkit

Photograph taken by Liam Hayat

Greater Manchester Smiles Better Mouth Care Toolkit

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This information is provided by Oral Health Improvement Bury | The Bury Directory

This training resource GMCA Smiles Better Mouth Care Toolkit for Care Homes & Domiciliary Care providers has been developed in collaboration with Health Education England, North West as part of the Mouth care in the community initiative. Good mouth care that care and nursing staff provide is vital in maintaining people's dignity, comfort, health and well being, enabling them to smile, eat drink and keep well. 

Good Assessment and care planning and dental prevention can prevent many dental problems and improve independence, nutrition, respiratory conditions, wellbeing and reduce infections and hospital length of stay. It has an excellent return on investment (£16:1). Care staff can find it difficult at times to provide good mouth care, particularly when there are challenges such as advanced dementia or complex dental conditions. This is a practical guide for care staff to go alongside face to face training. It also contains sample care policies, Assessment and care plans for care agencies to use and adapt. It also provides links to online training resources and complements the Mouth Care Matters Mouth Care Matters In the Community | Greater Manchester Training Hub ( resources developed for hospitals. The toolkit provides information on how to access dental care for clients and clarifies issues around access, payment and transport.

 Please see downloadable files for access to these excellent simple resources. 

Contact Details


Alison Tabois

Job Title/Position

Oral Health Improvement Practitioner

Mobile Number

07826 858005

Email Address

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