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Greater Sport Ways to Keep Moving

Photograph taken by Tony Rostron

Greater Sport Ways to Keep Moving

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Greater Sport have pulled together some tips, advice, guidance and things you can do to keep moving during this time of physical distancing, as well as guidance for those working within the sector.

The covid-19 crisis is unprecedented in modern times. The most recent Government announcements have escalated measures that reduce physical contact and this could have a negative impact on our activity levels.

Whilst population health is the absolute priority, we want to encourage and support people to find their way to continue to be active for at least 30 minutes (60 minutes for children) each day.

As Government official advice recommends that everyone should be working from home, reducing non-essential contact and the closure of schools, it is still important to remain active where possible!

Greater Sport has pulled together some tips, advice, guidance and things you can do to keep moving during this time of physical distancing, as well as guidance for those working within the sector:

  • Home workout videos
  • Outdoor/ public park activites such as cycling or walking
  • Exercises for older people
  • Change4Life activity recommendations for children while learning from home
  • Mental health resources for a healthy and active mind! 

To find more information on the above activities, visit the main webpage

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Last updated 2nd September 2022

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