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Hazelhurst Tenant and Resident Association

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Hazelhurst Tenant and Resident Association

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We are a Tenants & Residents association in the Moorside area of Bury.

What is a TRA?

Tenant and Resident Associations (TRAs) are made up of people that volunteer their time to make positive changes in their area. This short video includes interviews with several volunteers about the kind of things they do.

Why should I get involved?

Are you passionate about where you live? Then why not join your local TRA to:

  • Share ideas and influence decisions about services and improvements to homes or the environment
  • Attend and help organise social events and clubs (including Youth Clubs,activity sessions, clean up days and more), which can be a great way to get to know your neighbours and improve the vibrancy of where you live
  • Work with the TRA to bid for funding to make improvements to your community
  • Gain fantastic work experience and a sense of satisfaction through volunteering

Contact Details


Community Involvement Team

Telephone Number

0161 686 8000


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 17th November 2020

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