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Holy Law South Broughton Congregation

Photograph taken by Phil Hill

Holy Law South Broughton Congregation

0 Reviews

Holy Law South Broughton Synagogue is a thriving, modern Orthodox shul in Prestwich.

There is something for everyone at Holy Law.

We hold daily services and stage a variety of events and activities for people of all ages and all levels of observance.

Holy Law continues to welcome new members and we host an expanding programme of social, cultural and educational events. These range from shiurim, challah baking and cheesecake making to table tennis tournaments, quiz nights and outings.

Recently, we also hosted an amazingly inspirational and unique ShabbatUK 2016 experience.

We have a long and proud tradition, and in 2015 we celebrated our 150th anniversary with a gala dinner.

Our minister is the world-renowned Rabbi Yossi Chazan, who has been at our spiritual helm since 1991.

Services on Shabbos and Yom Tov are led by Chazan Zevi Neumann.

We offer support to our members throughout the life cycle, through joyous and difficult times. We are much more than a shul – we are a community.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 740 1634

Email Address


Times & Dates

Time of Day


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 9th February 2021

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