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How much sugar is in your breakfast cereals?
How much sugar is in your breakfast cereals?
0 Reviews
This information is provided by Oral Health Improvement Bury | The Bury Directory
The main focus of these materials are for children and adults of all ages.
Breakfast cereals remain popular with children and adults. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and although they are eaten primarily at breakfast time; they are often consumed at snack times. Cereals are the second largest contributors of free sugars (added sugars) in children’s diets and the result is a recipe for tooth decay and obesity.
This display will also help you raise the awareness around portion sizes – allowing service users to consider whether the portion size suggested on the box is the same as the portion size they or their children are consuming.
Choose the cereals which are most relevant to your area of work, this will enable you to design your own bespoke display. Sugar spoons have been added to give a visual representation of sugar content. The sugar content is also shown in grams to allow you to ADD small bags of sugar to each cereal should you wish.
Contact Details
- Alison Tabois
Job Title/Position
- Oral Health Improvement Practitioner
Mobile Number
- 07826 858005
Email Address
Service Information
Bury & Local Area
Last updated 28th March 2023