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Men's Aid

Photograph taken by Tony Rostron

Men's Aid

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Men's Aid is a Registered Charity (1116309) providing information and advice to all parents who are seeking to maintain a meaningful and responsible relationship with their children after family break down or divorce.  

We aim to assist these parents in their endeavours to achieve equal and just treatment in the Family Courts and from their associated services.  

We recognise the value of good parenting and support parents who work together for and in the best interests of their children.

A Gender Neutral Organisation.

Over many years Men’s Aid has undertaken an active Campaign for Equality within our Society to help re-balance many stereotypical views, particularly those held about men.  These, often negative views, include male issues relating to parenting, fatherhood, domestic abuse and violence.

Governments now recognise that abuse can occur in any personal relationship, or any situation where a service is being given, including formal or informal caregivers, or by a person who has power or influence over the life of a dependent adult. Domestic Violence and Abuse is now recognised as a gender neutral issue by May organisations with violence and abuse against men identified as the ‘last’ taboo.

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Men's Aid

Last updated 17th May 2022

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