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Mind - Website and Advice Line
Mind - Website and Advice Line
0 Reviews
We are both a local and national network. Through this network we work with around 250,000 people every year. We are able to help people who experience all types of mental distress, and who may require help from one or more of our services.
Our team provides information on a range of topics including:
- types of mental health problems
- where to get help
- medication and alternative treatments
- advocacy.
We will look for details of help and support in your own area.
You can phone the helpline listed below, or text: 86463
What can I do if the helplines are closed?
If you need mental health information and our helplines are closed, please visit our Mental health A-Z or contact NHS 111.
For a listening ear or just someone to talk to the Samaritans are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can call them on 116 123 or email
Contact Details
Telephone Number
- 0300 123 3393
Email Address
Service Information
Target Audiences:
Adults, Older people (over 65), Secondary school/teenage (11-18), All ages
Support Groups:
Mental health conditions
Links for information
Last updated 25th March 2022