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Oral and general health animation video

Photograph taken by Phil Hill

Oral and general health animation video

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This information is provided by  Oral Health Improvement Bury | The Bury Directory

This aim of this video is to explain how poor oral health is linked to a number of general health conditions and why mouth care really matters. It is aimed at health care professionals and Carer's whose role involves supporting people with mouth care in care homes and hospitals. 

This video forms part of the Mouth Care Matters programme from Health Education England aims to create a healthcare team that is more responsive and personalized for patients.

Oral and general health video

Contact Details


Alison Tabois

Job Title/Position

Oral Health Improvement Practitioner

Mobile Number

07826 858005

Email Address

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 17th May 2022

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