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Outdoor Play and Sports facilities in the Bury Area

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Outdoor Play and Sports facilities in the Bury Area

0 Reviews

Below you can find details of the outdoor play and sport facilities throughout the borough of Bury

Facilities include local play areas, tennis courts, ball zones, outdoor gyms, bowling greens, football pitches, 3-2-1 routes (Run Together) (marked jogging routes) and accessible local walks.

Bowling Greens 

If you would like to play bowls or join a bowling club please contact the club directly.  For bowling green locations and contact details click here

Football pitches

If you need to find a pitch or would like to join a football team click here to find teams, locations and contact details 

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 253 5353

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 1st September 2022

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