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Pike Fold Primary School

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Pike Fold Primary School

0 Reviews

Pike Fold is a large primary school in Blackley, North Manchester. As a school we have many strengths and these include our strong emphasis on a values system that underpins all aspects of school life. We have a strong commitment to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to experience a creative and energising curriculum. This results in good academic progress and attainment as well as a strong sense of community which extends beyond the school gates to Blackley Village.

We are passionate that the school flourishes by providing a positive and stimulating learning environment, we are very fortunate to have such a wonderful school with grounds that support and enhance our children’s learning

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 702 3669


Local Offer


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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Age Bands

6-10 years

Core Response Approved?



General Notes

Service Information


North West

Target Audiences:

Primary school age (5-11)

Links for information

Last updated 23rd January 2025

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