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POPS Training (Partners of Prisoners and Families Support Group)

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

POPS Training (Partners of Prisoners and Families Support Group)

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The imprisonment of a family member can have significant and long-lasting emotional and practical consequences for those who remain on the outside. Stigma and isolation often ensures these families remain hidden from statutory services, and withdrawn from community support, increasing their vulnerability. Increasing awareness is vital to ensuring these families receive the support they need to overcome the potential impact on their mental health, financial stability and social wellbeing

POPS deliver a range of engaging workshops and training designed to raise awareness about the issues that families face, explore the impact of family member offending, promote effective inter-agency working and improve service delivery.

Two sessions which form part of our training programme are:

Hidden Sentence, half day/full day

This training, originally developed by Action for Prisoners and Offenders Families, is for all professionals who work with children, families and offenders including children’s centre workers, troubled families workers, school staff, play workers, health visitors, and family intervention teams. This course gives a clear overview of the issues facing prisoners’ families, examines in depth the emotional and practical impact of imprisonment on families and explores a range of strategies and resources to help you support them. The training utilises a mixture of taught material, group-work, video content and desk-based activities to engage all learning styles.

Please Note: The above session can be accessed as Individual training or Group training, please click relevant link below for further information:

Understanding the Needs of Children and Families Affected by Parental Offending, 2 hours

Developed by the national i-HOP service, this workshop provides a valuable introduction for all professionals exploring the impact on children of parental offending. The workshop includes films made by parents and young people talking about their own experiences and signposts to available resources.

If you are interested in building the capacity of your team and would like to find out more about the individual courses on offer and the associated costs please get in touch by emailing or calling us on 0161 702 1000.

For information on other training please see the I-HOP link in the other details section

Contact Details


Rebecca Cheung

Job Title/Position

Communications and Training Coordinator

Telephone Number

0161 702 1000


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:


Links for information

Last updated 25th March 2022

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