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Power2: Teens and Toddlers

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Power2: Teens and Toddlers

0 Reviews

Power2 is an award-winning early intervention programme for young people. Power2 core programme, Teens and Toddlers, has achieved great success across all areas in Greater Manchester and we are keen to extend our reach in Bury.

Delivered in partnership with schools and nurseries, it enables young people to work through an established curriculum while gaining practical experience of supporting and mentoring a nursery-aged child. All participants will receive up to 18 weeks of support when they begin the programme.

The programme seeks to coach and mentor young people in reflective skills and enhances their confidence and supports them to develop emotional maturity, to aspire and achieve.

Success is evidenced by:

  • Improvement in attendance, attitudes and behaviour
  • Improvement in attainment through a recognised qualification

Part of the Assessment for suitability for the programme includes setting a baseline from which improvements can be measured. Evidence of success includes providing written confirmation that the results have been achieved.

In the first instance young people complete an 18-week mentoring programme which includes up to two hours per week spent mentoring a nursery-aged child and a further 1.5 hours completing a curriculum leading to a Level 1 Award in Interpersonal Skills.

Schools are expected to continue to support pupils to complete the whole programme as this helps maximise the benefit to pupils who might otherwise disengage from learning and supports schools in addressing some of the additional needs of this particular cohort of students.

Contact Details


Samantha Marcus

Job Title/Position

Head of Operations NW

Telephone Number

0161 331 9329

Email Address


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Sessions tailored to school - either one morning or afternoon per week for 16 weeks

Time of Day

Afternoon, Morning

Session Information

sessions are 3.5 hour slots


Referral Notes

Young people are referred by school. Young people will need to meet the criteria for joining the programme;

  1. Socio-economic disadvantage - PP indicator FSM
  2. Have a functioning need - shy/withdraw, aggressive, etc
  3. Not achieving their academic potential

General Notes

Instructions for school contacts:

  1. Click the link below and you’ll be directed straight to an online form.
  2. Complete the form for each student taking part.
  3. Click ‘submit’ and the form will automatically be sent back to the Teens and Toddlers research team.
  4. Repeat these steps for each student taking part in the project.

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Secondary school/teenage (11-18)

Referral Required?:

Links for information







Last updated 26th April 2022

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