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Ramsbottom RASCALS Amateur Swimming Club (clubBURY)

Photograph taken by Tony Rostron

Ramsbottom RASCALS Amateur Swimming Club (clubBURY)

0 Reviews

A competitive swimming club. We offer a limited number of learn to swim classes but all children need to be water confident and be able to put their head in the water-age 6 years and under. Swimmers 6-11years old should be able to achieve at least ASA level 4-5 on Assessment (Details of levels can be found on the ASA website)

We welcome competent older swimmers for improvement and competition.

Details of training sessions/times are available on the website.

For further details: - Please see website or email the club or alternative contact numbers are: -

New Members Secretary - Fran Hall 01706 827527 -

Secretary - Peter Green 01204 451809 -

Chief Coach - Rick Wesolowski 01706 82 5133

Contact Details


Fran Hall

Job Title/Position

New Members Secretary

Telephone Number

01706 827527


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Secondary school/teenage (11-18), Primary school age (5-11)

Links for information

Last updated 23rd April 2021

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