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Re-engage social activity groups

Re-engage social activity groups

0 Reviews

Social activity group for people aged 75+

Re-engage social activity groups are for people age 75 and over who are lonely or isolated.

Groups include a gentle activity such as indoor bowls or chair yoga, time to talk and refreshments.

Our Bury group is on the first Tuesday of the month 11am-1pm

Venue: Green community cafe, Bury, BL9 5DH

Free to attend

Contact Details


Rhiannon Briscoe

Job Title/Position

Engagement Officer


Times & Dates

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, Dec 3 09:00 - 09:00

Date(s) Info


Days of the week

First Tuesday of the month

Time of Day

Morning, afternoon

Session Information

First Tuesday of every momth

Costs & Bookings

Booking Information

Register via the website, or phone 0800 716543


Referral Notes

Register for our monthly activity groups via our website: Social activity groups for older people (

Eligibility Notes

Older people age 75 and above

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Older people (over 65)

Support Groups:

Health & Wellbeing


Garden/Secure Outdoor Play area, Visit & Outings & Use of local facilities, Changing Places Toilet, Wheelchair access

Booking Required?:

Referral Required?:

Eligibility Requirements?:

Links for information





Last updated 8th April 2024

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