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Red Bank Extra Care Scheme

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Red Bank Extra Care Scheme

0 Reviews

Extra Care encourages independent living through a combination of specially designed housing developed with 24 hour care and support. This gives peace of mind that help is on hand for emergencies at any time and provides a more flexible delivery of service to suit your needs. It can offer over 55's with care and support needs an alternative to moving into a residential care home.

The experience of moving into Extra Care accommodation is that of a house move and tenants are required to furnish their flats to their own taste. All tenants have a tenancy agreement and pay rent to Six Town Housing. The benefits of Extra Care include the ability of residents to combine maintaining their privacy and independence with the availability of support and companionship if required.

What is Red Bank?

Red Bank is an exciting Extra Care Scheme which has been developed in partnership by Six Town Housing and Bury Council. The scheme has been designed to provide affordable housing in independent apartments for older people requiring support.

The scheme comprises of 38 - two bed apartments and two - one bed apartments (four of which have kitchens fully adapted for wheelchair users). These modern apartments are set within an attractive setting overlooking the expanse of Red Bank field. Red Bank apartments are spacious and provide independence and security, within gardens and communal areas that offer residents opportunities to share each others' company.

To apply you will need to be registered on Bury Council's housing waiting list. For further information please contact the Housing Options Team.

Contact Details


Bev Hopkinson

Job Title/Position

Scheme Manager

Telephone Number

0161 686 8146

Secondary Telephone Number

0161 686 8046


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Adults, Older people (over 65)

Links for information

Last updated 18th November 2020

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