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RIS Healthcare - Excellence In Oral Management
RIS Healthcare - Excellence In Oral Management
0 Reviews
This information is provided by Oral Health Improvement Bury | The Bury Directory
For more than 40 years RIS Healthcare – RIS Healthcare has provided a key service link between our worldwide manufacturing partners and consumers of healthcare products in the UK and Ireland.
- RIS Healthcare has an increasing product range, knowledge of the healthcare market-place, and their strength and dedication to training make RIS Healthcare your ideal partner. Qualified and extremely experienced Dental Nurse Specialists will deliver training and education regarding Oral care and Oral health and the related conditions caused by the lack of this.
Lots of products available e.g.
- OraNurse unflavoured toothpaste specially formulated for people sensitive to strong flavours or with sore mouths
- bioXtra DRY MOUTH products to help ease the symptoms and effects of Dry Mouth (xerostomia)
- oraNurse Super Soft Toothbrush
- RIS Healthcare Oral Care packs
Contact Details
- Alison Tabois
Job Title/Position
- Oral Health Improvement Practitioner
Mobile Number
- 07826 858005
Email Address
Service Information
Bury & Local Area
Last updated 27th March 2023