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Safenet Domestic Abuse & Support Services

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Safenet Domestic Abuse & Support Services

0 Reviews

You deserve to be safe, happy and healthy in your relationships with your family, friends and community. Domestic abuse affects many people, regardless of age, gender, financial status, location, religion or sexuality.

If you are in a relationship where you feel unsafe, unhappy and unhealthy, or have ended such a relationship and are still experiencing abuse, we can help.

If anyone in your family or others that you know are abusing, controlling, harassing or violating you, we can help.

You don’t have to deal with this alone. We offer a safe place to stay if needed, along with support, guidance and practical help to create a safer, happier and healthier future for you.

We offer inclusive, non-judgemental and respectful services to women, children and men.

For more information, contact us o0300 3033 581 or email

Contact Details


Cheryl Allwood

Job Title/Position

Area Service Lead

Telephone Number

0300 303 3581


Referral Notes

Referrals can be made by agencies or direct from survivor by email or phone


Phone: 0300 3033 581 24hrs a day / 365 days a year

Our live chat is available everyday during three dedicated timeslots; 10am – 12pm, 2pm – 4pm & 8pm – 10pm - access via our website

Eligibility Notes

Clients who are or who have experienced domestic abuse

Service Information



Target Audiences:

All ages

Eligibility Requirements?:

Last updated 10th February 2023

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