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Self Management UK

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Self Management UK

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Over 15 million people have a long-term condition

Self Management UK, registered UK charity.

Self-management and self-care are crucial skills people with either a physical or mental condition or a Carer need.

On average, people living with a health condition spend just 4 hours per year with their health care team; the rest of the time they are managing day-to-day life with that condition on their own – or self-managing.

Self Management UK educates people in the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to improve wellbeing. Self-management does not mean doing it alone. We help people make informed choices about what services and support they want and need and how to work in partnership with healthcare teams.

Self Management UK is a charity providing support and education to people with long-term health conditions. Our education courses are designed to give people with long-term conditions, and their Carers, the choices for how they can live better and healthier lives. They are delivered by peer tutors.

We believe people with long-term conditions should feel understood, empowered and supported. We focus on the person and not the health condition. By taking this approach a persons’ support is more co-ordinated and appropriate.

Peer support

Our courses are run by people who either have a long-term condition or look after someone who has. These tutors have been through a self-management course and have volunteered to be tutors in order to share the life-changing benefits of self-management education. By engaging volunteers, our programmes have a wider impact on local communities.

Our aims

  • To help those living with long-term conditions to better manage their condition and improve their health and wellbeing
  • To engage healthcare professionals and commissioners to deliver and promote self-management
  • To promote self-management among opinion leaders, policy makers and the government
  • To develop innovative and cost-effective ways to deliver self-management interventions to meet commissioners’ budgets and local health population needs

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Links for information

Last updated 8th September 2021

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