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TAMBA (Twins And Multiple Births Association)

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

TAMBA (Twins And Multiple Births Association)

0 Reviews

National, confidential, listening, support and information service for those involved in the care of a multiple-birth family. Parents can phone in with any issues that are troubling them this could include sleeping, feeding, crying, behaviour, discipline, school issues or special needs.

Often all the caller needs is five minutes breathing space, a CHAT or a listening ear from someone who can identify with their situation.

There is also a freephone helpline which is called Twinline and the number is 0800 138 0509 (10am-1pm/7pm-10pm) every day.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

01483 304442

Email Address

Service Information



Target Audiences:

Adults, Adult carers

Links for information


Twins Trust

Last updated 17th May 2022

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