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The Bridge Service

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

The Bridge Service

0 Reviews

We provide children and young adults with immediate access to a multidisciplinary specialist eating disorder service.

Our vision is to improve the health of children and young adults by providing them with immediate access to an evidence-based multidisciplinary eating disorder service.

We are a multidisciplinary team of mental health nurses, psychologists, dietitians and other health professionals that provide a holistic and evidence based therapy for you or your loved one to aid recovery. All of our professionals are trained and experienced in the field of eating disorders to ensure you are provided with the best treatment available.

The needs of each child is complex, therefore treatment must be bespoke to the individual, holistic and results-focused. The mental health nurse will work as a partnership with you or your loved one to provide the best treatment for you.

We work to provide psychological, dietetic and family based therapy as led by a mental health nurse to ensure you or your loved one get the support they need.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 820 8010


Service Information


North West

Links for information

Last updated 25th August 2020

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