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Transport for Sick Children

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Transport for Sick Children

0 Reviews

Transport for Sick Children is a charity where a team of volunteers drive sick children to hospital appointments throughout the Greater Manchester area.

Our mission is to reduce stress and barriers to a family by enabling children under the age of 16 to attend important medical appointments despite any transport, financial or social issues they have. 



Contact Details


Laura Chidgey

Job Title/Position

Office Manager

Telephone Number

0161 443 4122


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info


Days of the week

Monday to Friday

Time of Day

Mornings and afternoons


Referral Notes

Health Care Professionals only including Health Visitors, School Nurses, Social Workers and Key Workers etc

Service Information


North West

Support Groups:

Physical impairment, Learning difficulties, Autism, Visual impairment, Hearing impairment, Mental health conditions, Communication impairment

Referral Required?:

Links for information

Last updated 14th February 2022

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