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Women's recreational/walking football

Photograph taken by Bernard Johnson

Women's recreational/walking football

0 Reviews

Bury Women FC Vets is a brand new recreational and walking football group, set up for ladies looking to return to the game or those who want to get fit and try something new! 

Sessions involve soccercise (a fitness class with a ball, to music), football and walking football. The main emphasis is on fitness, having fun and meeting new people. They have a wide range of different ages and abilities, with members aged from 19 to 57, some with previous playing experience and some absolute beginners.

Sessions are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6.15pm to 7.15pm at Holcombe Brook Primary School at the cost of £2 per session. Anyone who wants to join can just turn up, or contact Casey for more information at


Contact Details


Casey Lynchey

Job Title/Position


Email Address


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Tuesday & Thursday

Time of Day


Session Information


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information



Last updated 30th March 2022

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