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Your Payroll

Photograph taken by Phil Hill

Your Payroll

0 Reviews

A professional, efficient and friendly payroll service for individual employers of personal care assistants 

Your Payroll is dedicated to taking away the worry of paying wages correctly and on time whilst complying with the ever-increasing burden of payroll legislation. 

We will: 

  • Register you as an employer with HMRC and act as your agent with them 
  • Calculate your employee’s pay in accordance with your instructions 
  • Process tax, national insurance contributions and statutory payments and deductions 
  • prepare and provide electronic payslips for your PAs
  • Set up and administer your workplace pension scheme, contributions and payments
  • Supply P60s each year plus P45s for employees who leave 
  • Provide payroll statements and reports for Direct Payments audit purposes 

Your Payroll is tailored to your personal needs and we make everything simple and straightforward. There is a standard fee regardless of the numbers of PAs you may employ. 

Set up is quick and easy. Simply call (or email) the team and they will SEND you a pack and can get your service started within 2 weeks.

Your Payroll is part of Knowsley Disability Concern and we have been supporting people for more than 30 years. We understand the challenges you face as a new employer and will always be on hand to help. 

Our customers say:

"Thanks for a great service – I would not be able to manage without you and appreciate all you do for us"....... Sue from Liverpool 

"Thanks for all your help, you’ve made is so much easier for me to concentrate on my daughter’s care".......Debbi from Kirkby 

If you need extra help with your Personal budget/Direct Payments we can also offer a Managed Payroll Service = please call to speak to one of the team.

Contact Details


Andy Gilbert

Job Title/Position

Service Manager

Telephone Number

0151 949 5442

Secondary Telephone Number


Email Address

Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Open Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm

Time of Day

Afternoon, Morning

Costs & Bookings


£276.50 per year

Additional Information

Cost is for up to 5 PAs


Referral Notes

No referral is necessary to access these services.

Service Information



Target Audiences:

Older people (over 65), Adult carers, Parent carers, Adults under 65 years, Children and Young People with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Support Groups:

Physical impairment, Learning difficulties, Autism, Visual impairment, Hearing impairment, Mental health conditions, Communication impairment, Dementia, Sensory Impairment, Complex Needs

Links for information

Last updated 9th February 2023

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