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Social Awareness and Understanding - Getting Help (SEMH KS2)

Social Awareness and Understanding - Getting Help (SEMH KS2)

Identify and complete appropriate assessments to establish a greater understanding of the child’s needs and inform group interventions, for example:

·         Social Skills Improvement System (SSiS).


Promote interaction with a child’s peer group through small group interventions:

·         Socially Speaking;

·         Lego Therapy;

·         Playground Pals;

·         Talkabout activities;

·         Nurture group;

·         Peer mediation;

·         Are you a Social Detective?

·         SuperFlex;

·         Social stories;

·         Restorative conversations;

·         Friendly Fred activity;

·         Talking mat.


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Peer mediation. This is usually delivered by Y5/6 children following a training course on restorative approaches. Younger children would be able to access peer support from these children.


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