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Social, Emotional & Mental Health - Assessment Tools (KS2)

Social, Emotional & Mental Health - Assessment Tools (KS2)

Identifying need requires careful planning and evaluation to ensure what is put in place brings about sustainable, positive change.  Consider what assessment tools are used in your school:

  • At a whole school level to ensure needs are identified early and not missed.

  • In a targeted way when needs arise.

  • To evaluate the impact of interventions.

Assessment tools to explore SEMH needs include:

·         Social Skills Improvement System (SSiS).

·         Emotional Literacy Assessment.

·         Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale.

·         Boxall Profile.

·         The Strengths and Difficulties. Questionnaire (SDQ).

·         Blob Tree.

·         Self-Image Profile.

·         Pupil’s Attitude to Self and School.

·         Schools and Students Health Education Unit (SHEU) surveys.

·         Child and Youth Resiliency Measure.

·         Motional Intervention Activities (Trauma Informed Schools).

·         NFER Emotional Literacy.

·         SNAP Assessment.

It is important to measure impact in order to track and monitor a young person’s response to intervention. If limited progress is being made this should be addressed through ADPR cycles.

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