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Social Skills - Getting Help (KS1)

Social Skills - Getting Help (KS1)

Friendship Terrace a series of sessions for reflecting on and teaching friendship skills. It is for children who find it difficult to make or maintain friendships.


R-Time  a structured programme that builds and enhances relationships for children from Early Years to the end of Primary School.


Time to Talk a 40-session programme for children aged 4-8 that teaches and develops oral language and social interaction skills with Ginger the Bear.


TalkAbout  a programme aimed at developing self-esteem, as well as social and friendship skills.


Socially Speaking  a year-long social skills programme that introduces and practises skills to develop and maintain relationships.


SULP (Social Use of Language Program) a framework for personal, emotional and social development from a communication and thinking skills perspective, providing multisensory activity sequences with interactive stories.


Superflex is a Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum that provides educators and parents with a motivating, three-part cognitive behavioural curriculum aimed at helping children to develop awareness of their own thinking and social behaviours, as well as teaching strategies to help them develop better self-regulation across a range of behaviours.


Social Communication Fix  a programme using scripts and images to aid communication and develop children’s understanding of body language and facial expressions. It comes with pre-and post- assessments.


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