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Social Skills - Getting Help (KS2)

Social Skills - Getting Help (KS2)

R-Time  a structured programme that builds and enhances relationships for children from Early Years to the end of Primary School.

Time to Talk a 40-session programme for children aged 4-8 that teaches and develops oral language and social interaction skills with Ginger the Bear.


Friendship Formula  For children ages 8 and over, The Friendship Formula is designed to last a full school year and consists of 40 sessions, divided into four units focusing on: self-awareness and self-esteem, emotional awareness and regulation, conversational skills and friendship and relationship skills. Throughout the programme, children work towards creating an 'All About Me' book which helps them learn about themselves and others.


Friendship Terrace a series of sessions for reflecting on and teaching friendship skills. It is for children who find it difficult to make or maintain friendships.


TalkAbout  a programme aimed at developing self-esteem, as well as social and friendship skills.


Socially Speaking  a year-long social skills programme that introduces and practises skills to develop and maintain relationships.


SULP (Social Use of Language Program) a framework for personal, emotional and social development from a communication and thinking skills perspective, providing multisensory activity sequences with interactive stories.


Superflex is a Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum that provides educators and parents with a motivating, three-part cognitive behavioural curriculum aimed at helping children to develop awareness of their own thinking and social behaviours, as well as teaching strategies to help them develop better self-regulation across a range of behaviours.


Social Communication Fix  a programme using scripts and images to aid communication and develop children’s understanding of body language and facial expressions. It comes with pre-and post- assessments.


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