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Social Understanding - Getting More Help (SEMH KS4)

Social Understanding - Getting More Help (SEMH KS4)

Identify and complete appropriate assessments to establish a greater understanding of the young person’s needs, for example:

·         Emotional Literacy Assessment.

·         Blob Tree.


Use personalised Social Stories (Carol Gray) to reaffirm appropriate behaviour in specific situations according to the needs of the individual young person.


An appropriately trained adult, (ELSA trained or similar, supported by the SENCo), to be available to provide de-escalation and reflection work following any confrontation with peers.  One tool that might be used is Comic Strip Conversations to support the young person to reflect on real-life events and consider alternative ways of responding.


Social stories and expectations.


Outcome sessions - 1:1 work on the specific targets sets for the young person. Proactive rather than reactive.


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