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Thinking Skill - Getting more help (Individualised Interventions)

Thinking Skill - Getting more help (Individualised Interventions)

For children with complex needs, assess key skills and levels of engagement through structured observation (e.g. using The Engagement Profile and Scale) in order to create personalised learning pathways.

Provide access to targeted intervention support to develop key skills on an individual or small group basis (e.g. working on attention and listening skills in small groups or working memory interventions such as Lucid Memory Booster). Complement intervention with further strategy-based practice within the classroom (e.g., rehearsing or chunking information).


Provide access to individualised intervention, linked to APDR targets, based on the principles of distributed practice and overlearning (e.g. daily Precision Teaching), with support to apply learning in context.

Use ICT software and technology to support information recall and independence as a learner, embedded within everyday provision (e.g., use of voice recorders/apps).




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