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Thinking Skills - Getting Help (Targeted Interventions) KS2

Thinking Skills - Getting Help (Targeted Interventions) KS2

Targeted observation of child’s executive function skills in the classroom, including self-regulation/inhibition control, working memory, sustained attention, task initiation, planning/prioritising, organisation, time management, persistence, and flexibility.


Use of observational data and targeted assessment to clarify strengths and needs (e.g. Working Memory Rating Scale (WMRS)/Automated Working Memory Assessment/The Digit Span test).


Promote dialogic teaching, which emphasises classroom dialogue through which children learn to reason, discuss, argue, and explain.


Further promote and embed metacognitive talk when working in smaller groups (i.e. explore thinking around a task, how to plan, prepare and use strategies to approach a task with children and ways to monitor levels of understanding).


Use of technology and ICT-based resources to support planning, organisation and retention (e.g., voice activated software, talking tins, post cards/pens, Clicker 8, dictation apps on iPad/photos/videos QR codes.


Provide explicit instruction and targeted goal-setting with individual children/groups around key skill areas (e.g. self-organisation or basic time management).


Use clear, visual organisation aids on an individual basis (e.g. task boards)


Small group interventions to develop targeted skills (e.g. access to small group sessions to practise attention and listening skills, working memory:  Cogmed/Jungle Memory/Lucid Memory Booster). Complement computerised interventions with strategy-based practice within the classroom, explicitly highlighting strategies used to recall/retain information.


Daily opportunities to model, teach and practise strategies in small groups to manage verbal information and task sequences (e.g., naming the first 2-3 steps and making a list with different colours, ticking off pictures of equipment needed to initiate a task etc.).


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