function openModal() { document.getElementById("accessibility_sidebar").style.display = "block"; } function closeAccesibility() { document.getElementById("accessibility_sidebar").style.display = "none"; }

What information to gather?

What information to gather?

  • Likes and dislikes (which subjects do they like/like less and why? How do they like to learn? How do they like to play? How do they like to relax?)

  • The support that is important to them (what helps them in school or college? What do they find less helpful?)

  • Who supports them in school or college (Who can they go to that they feel helps them? Who helps them feel safe or manage their feelings, who helps with their learning?)

  • Long-term goals and aspirations for the future (what would they like to get better at? What job would they like when they are older? What college courses or qualifications might they like to do?) For children and young people in Year 9 onwards, planning needs to consider preparation for adulthood. Information, tools and resources around preparing for adulthood can be found on the Preparing for Adulthood webpages here.

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