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What is a Carer's Assessment?

What is a Carer's Assessment?

The approach is similar to that used for adults with care and support needs.

A carer’s assessment is the best way to look at what support you are giving to someone and what is needed to help you to look after yourself, stay well and safe while you are caring for someone else. It will also consider the things you want to achieve in your own day-to-day  life, whether you work, or want to work, study or do more socially, along with other important issues, such as whether you are able or willing to carry on caring.  You can have a carers assessment even if the person you care for is not eligible for support or is refusing social care services.

Depending on your carer’s situation, will determine how we support you, such as referring on to the Bury Carers Hub.  We will work with you to develop a support plan which sets out how your needs will be met.

If you are looking after another adult who lives in the borough of Bury, Adult Care Connect and Direct is the first point of contact to access a carers assessment.

Request a Carer's Assessment You can request a Carer's Assessment here or by contacting Adult Care Connect and Direct Hub on 0161 253 5151.

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