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What is in the EHCP?

What is in the EHCP?

The EHCP includes lots of information all about your child and family. This includes things that they like and enjoy, people who are important to them and information about their school or college.

The EHCP has different sections, which are usually given a letter (Section A, Section B and so on). You can learn more about the different sections below:

Section A: yours and your child's views, interests and hopes for the future.

Section B: Information about your child's special educational needs. This might relate to their learning ("Cognition and Learning"), emotions, wellbeing and mental health ("Social, Emotional and Mental Health"), language and communication skills ("Communication and Interaction"), physical health and/or sensory needs ("Physical and Sensory").

Section C: Any health needs that your child may have will be included here (e.g. a doctor or nurse may add information to this section).

Section D: Any social care needs that your child may have will be included here (e.g. if you have a Social Worker, they might add to this section).

Section E: The outcomes (goals) that your child will work towards – these will have been agreed together with you and your child. Outcomes are written in positive language and are things you and your child would like to achieve in the future.

Section F: Details of the support that is needed to help your child work towards these outcomes.

Section G: Details any support for your child's health they may need.

Section H: Details of any support at home or with family that your child may need.

Section I: This section shows the name and type of school or college that your child will attend.

Section J: This section includes information about funding (money). Sometimes there is information in this section about Personal Budgets. A Personal Budget is an amount of money that is identified to meet some of the outcomes in the EHCP. A young person or parents/carers can ask for a Personal Budget.

Section K: Copies of information or reports about your child, their strengths and needs will be included in this section. This is information that has been used to put together the EHCP.

Remember, the EHCP is all about your child! It is important that you and your child feel that it describes them well.

A printable summary, Education and Health Care Plans – all you need to know, can be downloaded here.

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