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Who requires an EHCP?

Who requires an EHCP?

Only a very small number of children and young people with complex and severe needs, who require very high levels of individualised support, are issued with an EHCP (see below image). All schools and settings have a budget that is available to support children and young people with SEND. Most children and young people will access help in their educational placement through the level known as ‘SEN Support’ (we describe this provision within the areas of need under the categories of ‘Getting Advice’, ‘Getting Help’ and ‘Getting More Help’).

Where provision cannot reasonably be provided through services and resources that are normally available, it may be necessary to request an EHC assessment. In order to understand whether a EHCP may be necessary, there should be evidence that the child/ young person has special educational needs that are severe and/or complex, and which have persisted when following a graduated approach; including taking all expected steps and using the highest level of resources to identify, assess and meet the need within school or college.

  • The Graduated Approach to supporting children and young people with SEND


Most children and young people make progress in school or college with the universal offer of support available to them; this means the general support and quality teaching provided for all children and young people (Ordinarily Available Provision). This includes Quality First Teaching, differentiation of the curriculum, adaptation of the classroom to suit the needs of the group and lesson planning which includes all learners.   


Some children and young people might need more support at school or college in addition to the Ordinarily Available Provision or 'whole-setting' offer. This is known as SEN Support. The amount, type and focus of support that CYP need at school or college will be different and might change over time. For example, some children and young people may require a limited number of 'booster' sessions in an area of learning they are struggling with, whereas others may require more individualised support for a longer period. Learners receiving SEN support will need adaptation to the curriculum or a timetable which requires additional preparation or planning.


Few children and young people will need a higher level of support over time. This might be the case where there are ongoing concerns regarding a child/young person's expected progress and/or where their needs are having a significant impact on learning or access to education. In these cases, schools and colleges should consider requesting an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment. Children and young people over the age of 16 and parents/carers can also request this themselves.

The Local Offer in Bury enables families and practitioners to find out what is available locally and further afield and can help everyone to make the most of the services and opportunities that are available, without the need to have an EHCP. You can access Bury's Local Offer by clicking here.

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