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Whole school programmes/ accreditations

Whole school programmes/ accreditations

There are several programmes and accreditations that can support schools to embed inclusive practice across different areas, at a whole school level. These include (but are not limited to):

Bury Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM)

The Bury IQM supports settings to develop and evidence inclusive practice across different areas and at different levels. Accreditation explores whole school approaches, teaching and learning, emotional health and wellbeing, and participation and involvement. Bury's IQM standards can be found in the 'related files' section.

Emotionally Friendly Settings (EFS)

EFS is a whole-setting approach to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people, staff and parents/carers. The EFS programme is available in Early Years, school and college settings. Further information can be on the EFS website by clicking here.

Bury Dyslexia Aware Quality Mark

The Bury Dyslexia Aware Quality Mark is a whole-school award for primary and secondary schools focused on dyslexia-friendly good practice. The award focuses on leadership and management, quality of learning, the learning environment, and partnerships. The Dyslexia Aware Quality Mark standards can be found in the 'related files' section.

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