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Will I be eligible for Care & Support?

Will I be eligible for Care & Support?

The aim of adult care is to help people meet their needs so they are able to achieve the outcomes that matter to them.

These outcomes include:

  • Managing and maintaining nutrition

  • Maintaining personal hygiene

  • Managing toilet needs

  • Being appropriately clothed

  • Being able to make use of your home safely

  • Maintaining a habitable home environment

  • Developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships

  • Accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering

  • Making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community, including public transport, and recreational facilities or services

  • Carrying out any caring responsibilities you have for a child.

Following your social care needs assessment, we will review your care and support needs to decide if you are eligible for support from us.

The  Care Act 2014 says that local authorities must consider whether an adult with care and support needs is eligible for support if:

You are an adult and an ‘ordinarily resident’ of Bury (which means your established home is in Bury)

You have care and support needs are as a result of a physical or mental condition or illness. As a result of those needs, you cannot achieve two or more of the outcomes outlined above and as a result, there is a significant impact on your well-being

While some types of care and support are provided free, many types will be subject to a charge.

Following a social care needs assessment, you may also need a Financial Assessment to find out how much you might need to pay towards any services you receive. Following a Financial Assessment, we will give you a clear idea of what you can be expected to pay and how the charges are calculated.

To find out more please visit the Care costs - Your contribution towards your care costs section

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