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Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews

What is an Annual Review?

An Annual Review is a meeting during which a child/young person's EHCP is reviewed. The purpose of an Annual Review is to review progress about the outcomes in the EHCP and to review the provision (support) in place to support the young person to make that progress.

The review is also an opportunity to consider whether the EHCP is still needed to support the child/young person and if it is, to plan for outcomes for the coming year (setting new outcomes if necessary).

An Annual Review must be held with the child/young person’s parents/carers, or the young person (if over 16), and must take account of their views, wishes and feelings. This includes their right to a Personal Budget (see Personal Budgets).

It is good practice to always include the young person in the meeting if they can (depending on age/ personal preference) and to ensure their views have been meaningfully collected before the meeting. There are several person-centred ways in which to include young people in meetings, see Person-Centred Planning.

This video from the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) helps to explain the purpose and process of the Annual Review.

  • This video from the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) helps to explain the purpose and process of the Annual Review
  • Timescales: when does an annual review happen?

  • Preparing for an annual review

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