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Ageing Well & Lifestyle in Bury

Ageing is a natural human condition, and it doesn’t mean we can't live full and healthy lives in the process. Here you can find information you need to age well. Our Ageing Well & Lifestyle in Bury section of the Bury Directory, Navigate this section to have a look at the information available for Bury residents, both locally, and Greater Manchester.

You will find information and activities in both the Social Activities for 50's and over in Bury and Social Activities for 65’s and over in Bury sections and a range of services available to you and other Bury residents providing lifestyle information, advice and support to help you and your family improve their lifestyle, age well and live a happy and healthy life.

In the Health & Wellbeing Information in Bury section, you will find useful information on various health related topics such as medical conditions, mental health & emotional wellbeing, and much more.

If you are a Carer of an older person and would like some more information on the services and organisations available to support you in your caregiving role, please visit our  Bury Carers Information channel

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