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Emotional Awareness, Understanding & Regulation - Getting Help (SEMH KS1)

Emotional Awareness, Understanding & Regulation - Getting Help (SEMH KS1)

Identify and complete appropriate assessments to establish a greater understanding of the child’s needs, for example:

·         Boxall Profile;

·         The Strengths and Difficulties; Questionnaire (SDQ);

·         Superflex Programme;

·         Blob Tree;

·         Self-Awareness Assessment;

·         NFER Emotional Literacy Assessment.


Use appropriate emotional awareness and regulation workbooks or programmes within individual or a small group, such as:

·         Think Good, Feel Good.

·         Starving the Anxiety Gremlin.

·         Starving the Angry Gremlin.


Relax Kids - Monster book of Feeling


Starlight program - delivered by school nurse service.





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