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Employment - Getting More Help (KS 3&4)

Employment - Getting More Help (KS 3&4)

Access to mentoring and coaching during experience.

Supervision during work experience.

Personalised travel training.

Increasingly individualised/adapted personalised programme of support.

All routes into employment and education are explored with the young person including traineeships, Supported Internships, Study Programmes, Apprenticeships and Higher Education.

Small group or one-to-one sessions of the range of options available for education, employment and training.


Referral or multi-agency meetings for assessment and advice to identify persistent and complex needs (e.g. access advice from external services) such as:


Use of resources such as Transition Help for Communities. and When I Grow Up I Want to be.


Specific resources from organisations such as the Down’s Syndrome Association, Ambitious about Autism and DFN Project Search.



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