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English - Getting Advice (Adjustments)

English - Getting Advice (Adjustments)

Use of evidence-based approaches to teaching Literacy (e.g. Education Endowment Foundation Improving Literacy in Key Stage 1 guidance report).


In the co-production of this document, Senco suggested interventions and approaches below:


  • Whole class/group systematic phonics programmes (e.g.  Read Write Inc., ALS Phonics, Rocket phonics, Little Wandle, Supersonic Phonic Friends, Twinkl phonics or a similar synthetic phonics program), embedded within a rich literacy environment.

  • Development of oral language skills as foundations for reading and writing e.g., reading books aloud and discussing them, pre teaching new vocabulary, use of books without text to encourage comprehension skills.

Use of resources and approaches such as:

  • For general literacy- ‘literacy shed’; ‘word wasp’; ‘word of the week’; ‘Steps Web’; STILE; Conscience Alley; hot seating; drama; Elklan (language strategies).

  • For reading – clicker books; online books; Big Cat online books; four in row games; whole class book reading.

  • For spelling- active spelling bags or challenges; word aware; ‘Nessy’ videos; RWI spelling.

  • For recording/writing -night zoo keeper (literacy shed); Clicker, clicker apps; Talk for Writing group or guided write; talk to text apps such as ‘Pages’; recording devices (mats, buttons or recording pens); videos; photos; QR codes; comic; sequenced stories.

  • For handwriting - write dance.

  • Guided reading groups or Reciprocal Teaching groups to enhance reading comprehension skills.


  • Staff participation in Literacy initiatives and forums (e.g. NASEN SENDCo forum).

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