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English - Getting Help (Targeted Interventions)

English - Getting Help (Targeted Interventions)

Use of appropriate assessments to identify strengths and areas of need to target intervention at an early stage.

Please refer to the assessment section of this document for a wide range of assessments.


In the co-production of this document, Senco suggested interventions and approaches below:


  • Small group targeted ‘basic skills’ work to supplement and repeat some whole class learning (e.g., phonics, fine motor groups).

  • Resources to support literacy skills for individuals/small groups (e.g., reading/spelling squares, recording software – iPads, sound buttons).

  • Tools such as Cognition Matters (writing skills), Elklan’s Early Language Builders and Language Builder books to support language for literacy may be helpful for individuals/small groups.

  • Peer support (e.g. Year 2 teaching younger children). Pair up lower attaining children to read with younger peers in the school.

Access to technology and interventions such as:


Online learning software that the child can access without adult support, e.g. IDL,Dyslexia Gold.

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