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Expressive Language - Getting More Help (KS2)

Expressive Language - Getting More Help (KS2)

Additional differentiation and scaffolding of tasks, which may require individualised planning for much of the day.

Additional adult support to contribute to group activities using a range of communication methods (e.g. gesture, vocalisations, instruments, visuals) alongside/instead of spoken language.


Referral to Bury’s Speech and Language Therapy Service

to support and implement targeted approaches including adaptations to learning (reading aloud etc.).


School staff to implement individualised interventions, following training by a Speech and Language Therapist. For example:

Blacksheep Inference and Reasoning Resource is designed to develop inference and reasoning skills in children at Key Stages 1 and 2. It includes 24 colour pictures and a set of related questions for discussion.


Use of an additional or augmented communication system (ACC). These may include PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) is an alternative augmentative communication system in which simple picture cards are used to communicate simple needs initially, but then work towards more complex sentence structures, signing, or high-tech communication systems and software (such as Proloquo2Go). Other AAC which may be used include direct access boards and use of PODD books (Pragmatic, Organisation Dynamic Display) to support sentence structure using a visuals.


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