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General - Getting Advice (SEMH KS1)

General - Getting Advice (SEMH KS1)

Ensure the Top Tips for an inclusive learning environment are in place as part of Ordinarily Available Provision.

Ensure a whole school approach to emotional health and wellbeing, for example Emotionally Friendly Settings  provides a framework for whole school development.

Embed preventative social emotional programmes, which focus on building resilience, self-esteem and confidence, within the curriculum for all year groups. For example, using a programme such as My Happy Mind for KS1-2.

Arrange relevant training for school staff from external support services where needed; including attachment/trauma, resilience, and whole staff mental health training.


Use effective assessment tools to identify an overall profile of emotional wellbeing at the whole school and classroom level; for example from those that have been identified as effective measures for schools to use from the Education Endowment Foundation.


Arrange relevant training for school staff from external support services where needed; including attachment/trauma, resilience, and whole staff Mental Health training, e.g. Emotionally Friendly Settings.


Consider preferred learning style (e.g. visual, kinaesthetic) and motivational levers (e.g. link learning task to interests, offer a break following task completion) for children when differentiating.


Consider environmental factors such as classroom organisation, seating, and group dynamics.


Put in place clear boundaries and routines, supported by visuals, e.g., visual timetables, now and next boards and visual classroom rules.


Implement a transparent system of expectations (flexibly applied dependent on need, e.g. reasonable adjustments), which is consistent across staff.


Invite selected parents to participate in the Incredible Years course.


Build community relationships, e.g. hold parent mornings.


Create a safe and happy playground in collaboration with stakeholders, e.g. children, staff. 


Other whole school approaches may include:

·         Kagan structures for collaborative learning;

·         Opportunities for daily mindfulness;

·         Use of Emotion Coaching techniques;

·         Go Noodle (movement breaks);

·         Team Teach training/strategies;

·         Provision of a nurture group;

·         Access to safe spaces/calm areas;

·         Post box for children to post their name and worry, to be picked up by learning mentor;

·         Use worry monsters.


Trauma Informed Schools Approach.


Heart Smart.


I wish my teacher knew... Opportunity for children to share any concerns/difficulties they may have which the teacher is unaware of. These are constantly available for children but are also completed half termly as a whole class.


PSHE Scheme such as Jigsaw - Scarf lessons are excellent which is like Jigsaw.


Relax Kids.


Edstart Coaches - Mental Health and Wellbeing through sport programme.


Zones of Regulation.


Relax and Reflect areas.


Drama e.g. conscience alley.


Challenge learning approach to the curriculum to build and develop resilience, challenge communication skills, works across every area of the curriculum.





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