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General - Getting Help (SEMH KS1)

General - Getting Help (SEMH KS1)

Consider the use of effective assessment tools to measure and demonstrate the impact of an intervention or programme over time.  Tools will be dependent on the intervention used/goal to be achieved – see sections below for specific examples.


Obtain and record child’s views through child voice activities, e.g. Blob Tree.


Obtain and record parental information and views. These can include questionnaires, parents' evenings, assemblies, and social media forums.


Complete a Boxall Profile for the child to identify the child’s attachment related needs and create a learning plan.


  • The Boxall Profile
  • Boxall Profile CPD
  • The Boxall Profile® - A whole school approach

Consider the following whole-class/group-level emotional well-being interventions:


Consider the use of accredited school-based counselling providers.


Understand the function of the child’s behaviour.


Observe and record the child’s presentation (e.g. using an ABC – antecedent, behaviour, consequence  chart or STAR - situation, trigger, actions and rewards/avoidance) across a range of varied contexts/times during the school day to understand whether need is contextual/situational and to inform possible strategies.


Motional Intervention Activities (Trauma Informed Schools).


Positive self-talk groups.


Sailing the anxiety boat.


Chill and chat sessions at lunchtime - emotionally available adult, nurture groups, key workers, stories, emotion coaching, children talking to each other, relating different feelings to different emotions.


Animal Therapy.

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