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General - Getting More Help (SEMH KS2)

General - Getting More Help (SEMH KS2)

Use appropriate assessments to identify difficulties early, establish a greater understanding of the child’s needs and inform appropriate referral to other services.


Motional Intervention Activities (Trauma Informed Schools)

·         Boxall Profile;

·         NFER Emotional Literacy;

·         SNAP Assessment;

·         SDQ Questionnaire.


Set realistic targets and review termly in collaboration with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENCo), teaching staff, the child, and parents/carers where appropriate.  For example, use Individual Education Plans (IEPs), child profiles, behaviour support plans.

Consider risk and protective factors to provide a profile of the child, e.g. BOING BOING.


Implement appropriate interventions for children with specific individual needs, e.g. anxiety-based difficulties and attachment difficulties (examples are provided under specific needs below).


Key adult support at specific times that have been identified as challenging for the child, e.g. unstructured times. 1:1 time to build up a relationship between a child and key adult to be built into the child’s timetable. Key adult characteristics: nurturing yet able to hold firm boundaries, resilient, patient, empathic and able to seek and accept support from another adult. The key adult should be part of the team around the child and kept informed of their targets and the provision in place to meet these.



Explore possible emotionally based non-attendance and establish a process for how to support children and families.  (See EBSA for further information).


Refer to relevant external agencies, e.g. Primary Inclusion Services, Educational Psychology Service, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Virtual School Team, Inclusion Allocation Panel, SEMH Partnership Panels, Early Help, Primary Inclusion Leads.


Use the Assess-Plan-Do-Review process to monitor the child’s progress, alongside any external agencies' advice, whilst collating evidence of the impact of the strategies being used.


Where the child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), refer to described outcomes and provision and implement.  Continue to use the Assess-Plan-Do-Review process against the specified outcomes and provision. Regularly update with strategies as they are tried.  Complete Annual Review of EHC Plan (refer to ‘Best Practice Walkthrough’ document).


Continue to request and act on advice from external agencies as necessary.


Familiar adult to be available as needed in times of crisis.

Notice, Check and Try - which will help support the child and family.


Quiet/safe space available in or out of the classroom.


Therapeutic play, emotion coaching, stories and about their personal experiences/lives so it's relating to them as individuals.


'Check in time' at the start of the day and following breaks (include use of emotions board).


'Proud Cloud' to support the child's sense of achievement.


Use of ELSA SEMH resources.


Drawing and Talking person centred therapy sessions.


Art therapy.


Sunshine book - to showcase a child’s work/achievement. May be shared with SLT/parent/key worker.

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