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General - Getting More Help (Sensory and/or Physical KS1)

General - Getting More Help (Sensory and/or Physical KS1)

Request involvement from external services e.g. Occupational Therapy (OT), Physiotherapy (PT), Inclusion Service (e.g. Sensory Needs Team, Educational Psychology Service (EPS) to create more personalised curriculum, including specialist advice and support, individual interventions.

Teachers with increasing knowledge and experience/specialist teachers.


Capacity building and training for class-based staff.


A more individualised programme of support/highly personalised curriculum including specific staff teaching/support, including targeted small group and individual interventions.


Individualised set-up of classroom and workstation area e.g. taking into account accessibility, safety and environmental stimulation.


Parents/carers and child participation in setting up, delivery and reviewing interventions though assess-plan-do-review-learn cycles.

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